The Penn State Alumni Association

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Theodore (Ted) Speiser essay: Education: BS, 1956 physics CSU; 1959 MS physics Cal Tech; 1964 PhD physics Penn State. Work history: Professor, Dept of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences University of Colorado, 1967-1998 (presently Emeritus Professor); Research Assoc, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1964-1966; Research Assoc. NOAA, Space Environment Lab 1970-1999. Awards: Alexander von Humbolt Award (Germany) 1977-1978; Fulbright Fellowship to Tuebingen Germany 1956-1957; Imperial College (London England) Fellowship 1967-1968. Sports:tennis: squash; table tennis; hiking with wife - we have done 21 fourteeners, hiked the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim. Hobbies - photography; gardening My PhD thesis was on particle orbits in the geomagnetic tail, and I showed that the particles (ions and electrons) make a snake-like motion across the central current sheet, become accelerated and may contribute to the making of auroras (Northern Lights). (Sometimes called Speiser orbits.) My wife (Patricia) and I have three wonderful daughters: Tanya Lee, Kelly Ann, and Tertia Ava and two energetic, sharp granddaughters, Dana and Addie. Photo (below): Ted and Pat on their Golden Wedding Anniversary, on Mt Galiano, Galiano Is, BC,Canada